Gender Mainstreaming & Gender Budgeting



Gender Mainstreaming


Gender mainstreaming is a strategy used in the implementation of equal opportunities for women and men at all societal and institutional levels. PERIPHERIE transposes the general criteria of the GM concept for organisations and corporations into concrete problems and implementation designs, and also accompanies the implementation of measures.


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Gender Budgeting


Gender Budgeting refers to the process of conceiving, planning, approving, executing, monitoring, analyzing and auditing budgets in a gender-sensitive way. PERIPHERIE develops and conducts projects with the aim of fostering, and ideally reaching, gender justice and equality. In doing so, the focus lies on women and men’s different realities of life to distribute budgetary funds equally between the sexes. The implementation of Gender Budgeting includes defining equality goals, analysing the current budget situation in regard to its goals, and putting measures into practice to reach a higher degree of, or total equality of women and men.


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